Ruth Nolan’s “After the Dome Fire” book is out now on Bamboo Dart Press

Ruth Nolan grew up in California’s Mojave Desert and worked as a wildland firefighter for the Bureau of Land Management’s California Desert District and also for the U.S. Forest Service, fighting wildfires throughout the western U.S. Her new book on Bamboo Dart Press, After the Dome Fire, focuses on that aspect of her life. She …

Ruth Nolan trailer premieres for her Bamboo Dart Press book After the Dome Fire

Ruth Nolan, a former wildland firefighter for the Bureau of Land Management’s California Desert District and U.S. Forest Service, is a widely published writer/scholar whose work focuses on California’s deserts. Her new book of ecopoetry, After the Dome Fire, uses the aftermath of the 2020 Cima Dome Fire in the East Mojave National Preserve as …