Time change for San Dimas Bamboo Dart Press reading this Friday night

Happy to announce that the time for the reading at Highpoint Brewery in San Dimas this Friday has been bumped up to a later 7:30 PM start time which should allow any facing traffic to make it out. See the flyer above and in the previous posts beneath it, other dates to catch Peter Cherches …

Nima Kazerouni Shrimper release out this Friday, record release party that eve

Shrimper is thrilled to be issuing new music from Nima Kazerouni. The first edition of his new limited edition self titled 6 song cassette has a full color cover & is a hand numbered edition of 100 copies. If you live in the Los Angeles area, you can catch the record release party this Friday. …

Nima Kazerouni Cassette on Shrimper out Feb 10th

Nima Kazerouni of the band So Many Wizards has a home recorded cassette only release due out on February 10th on Shrimper. First edition is limited to 100 hand numbered copies. These six songs of stately pop are cooked to the teeth, not soggy boned shoe drop nor acrid digital blocks of cold shoulder. I …

Nima Kazerouni’s new song and forthcoming Shrimper tape

Nima Kazerouni is a busy guy. Besides being in So Many Wizards (first Shrimper appearance on the double CD “Smooth Sounds” six years back), he is also in the bands Nectarines and Crown Plaza. What is striking to me about Kazerouni and the projects he is involved in is his unique style of singing, his …