Bamboo Dart Press is celebrating our third birthday with a bang. Every year we issue a special project, which is a Bamboo Dart Press book coupled with music. The first year saw the deluxe vinyl edition of Refrigerator’s So Long to Farewell paired with a BDP book written, photographed and drawn by the band. Last year, David Lester and Wendy Atkinson’s second Horde of Two record was paired as a CD with their sublime book that couples the life of Buenaventura Durruti with firsthand notes from the frontline of creating and working outside of the lines in I Knew I Was a Rebel Then.
Today sees the release of Brian Bendlin and Linda Smith’s Opposite of Shadow book. The book features fiction and non-fiction by Brian Bendlin and paintings by Linda Smith. The two of them were in the band The Woods in the early 1980’s and this reunion of sorts brings with the new paintings and writings, some old writings as well as a record of beautiful instrumentals recorded by Bendlin in 1987. Each book includes a QR code allowing readers access to download this record. Additionally, there is a deluxe limited edition version that comes with a CDR including artwork and liner notes for the CD.

This project has been a labor of love for Linda, Brian and Bamboo Dart Press over the course of the last few years and we are honored to offer it to you as we celebrate our third anniversary these two wonderful writers, artists and musicians whose unique vision makes this a book like no other.