Premiere of the Tim Hatch trailer for his forthcoming book on Bamboo Dart Press

Tim Hatch’s Wild Embrace is an autobiographical collection of poems that explore themes of abuse and fragility. The weight of the language and craftsmanship that Hatch employs to tell his stories in poem form is uniquely a voice his own. Honed over decades of writing, his is the ability to pare back the unnecessary and …

The 909 by Mark Givens & Joel Huschle is out today on Bamboo Dart Press

The thrill of the Bamboo Dart Press imprint is birthing books that either would have never been written or would have never seen the light of day were it not for this modest little operation. Our fourteenth and final book in our first year of existence is one that captures so much of what I …

Trailer for Mark Givens & Joel Huschle’s Bamboo Dart Press book “The 909” premieres

Joel Huschle and Mark Givens have collaborated on performances, films, music and a variety of projects over the course of their friendship which spans over four decades. Their latest project is a film that they are allowing us to see built from the ground up. “The 909” takes place in the not too distant future …